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Looked at the harbour this morning, via webcams. Lovely clear day, except for the view of the inner harbour. looks like a very local sea fret in there. Anyone got some spare Windolene - ir is it just a loose connection?
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Visited today by car - plenty of parking spaces in upper car park, but only one ticket machine was working (pier 3). Just thought you may want to know - might be losing revenue. Pity about the sea fret, but it was a relief from the high temperatures in Alnwick!!
Went to seahouses today how rude and obnoxious the harbour staff were ! Totally spoilt what was a lovely day .

Expand on your comment so we know what your are referring to
Why does no one from the harbour office reply to people's comments ?
Why are the cctv cameras not working.
I was wondering when the lighthouse on the Main Pier is going to get its promised coat of fresh paint ?
Poor thing is looking in great need of some preservation and a new covering !
I hadn't looked at the Lifeboat page for some time, and was surprised to see that "Site taken off web on 01/02/2022 at request of RNLI". Dare I ask why?
Thank you for bringing the cameras back!
Wonderful to have the live feed back from such a special place !
Great to have the Cameras back on line.
Many Thanks.
wonderful... many thanks for getting the cameras up and running again...
Thanks, Harbourmaster and staff! So good to see cameras back on. Looks like you had a bit of rainy weather today!
A question for the Harbour Master. What has happened to the x3 cameras that were operational and could be viewed via this webpage until a week ago? Can you advise if the cameras will be reinstalled please.
Kind Regards,
Paul L Arro
Something is awry with the webcams! I so miss my daily look at the weather in Seahouses and the activities in the wonderful harbour.
NSH camera link disappeared!! ?
I have a sneaky feeling that it may not be the cameras. TYnemouth webcam are advising folks to use a different internet provider because of a problem with Google
Miss looking at harbour. Wish they would fix the problem with the camera's 😪
Yes same here on Tyneside.
I too miss looking at the Harbour after dark, never dreamed I would ever be able to see the Longstone light flashing sitting in my own front room of sixty five years ! Christopher .x
Yes i get the same message too... no idea what to do with it though!!
Thought I might try to copy and paste the message from cameras - maybe I am doing something daft! it says

This camera cannot be embedded. Switch to Standard or Professional package for embedding.

Love being able to see the harbour - especially at night! Sadly, today, there seems to be something amiss. I get a message saying something like 'this camera cannot be activated'.
I don't live far away, but like to check the weather conditions before setting off.
Great being able to see the harbour ! I loved my job at the Farne Islands National Trust cabin, but have recently moved away from Northumberland. Lovely to be able to keep an eye on you all ! Welll done, Brian. Best regards to you and Kevin. Linda x
Thankyou so much for the new cameras! I love checking in and seeing what’s happening in my favourite place :)
Fantastic new camera views and they work brilliantly - no spooling......well done James.
At long last , new cams look good. Hopefully they’ll withstand the battering from the weather.
Thanks guys
thanks for new cameras. brilliant....
Thank you for the new cameras!
Live Cameras up and running, how good is that ! Thank you NSH.
thankyou christopher, and very best wishes to you too.... bit further afield though down in yorkshire...northumberland is my favourite place ...


janice gardiner
To all the folk of Seahouses /Beadnell/Bamburgh and the surrounding district
may I wish you all good things for Christmas and for many happy times and places in 2022 .
Looking forward to seeing you all again in September already !
oh that is brilliant brian... just great

Janice good day. NSH are currently installing an extensive CCTV
We hope this meets your approval.

Kind regards
ah yes such a pity about the cameras, used to be a few of them with such lovely views. always hoping they will be back in the near future
Are the Harbour cameras broken? Permanent green screen these last couple of weeks.
Why do the cameras not work properly? they keep going to a green screen after a couple of seconds.
For William's comment below: Google the Hereford research into reduction/ removal of litter bins... you may be suprised.

I am sending you this email of complaint as being a tourist.  I can't believe as a harbour that you DONT HAVE ANY BINS TO PLACE RUBBISH IN. Whe I asked one of the tourist places, they said I need to complain to you.  The amount of rubbish I saw laying arround was disgusting,  and where is the point of no bins. 

This will mean that this rubbish arround will end up in the sea and the wildlife will end up getting harmed by it. 

Before you say the gulls will go in the bins. There are bins with covers or small holes to place it in. 

Am forwarding my complaint onto other sources as well. As it is appalling in these times that no bins. Which will mean more rubbish on the floor.  



Sent from my Galaxy

offices camera black white very poor main pier broken
Anybody there going to answer my question.

The slipway is open daily weather permitting from April to October all information here:
Hi, is the slipway open for 17ft speedboat launch?
often check in and lo and behold got a brief glimpse of the hammerhead camera this hope they are all back soon
The webcams are a great idea. However they have been out of order for some time. Is there a plan to get them back to working order.
Why the problems with the cameras ?- we didn't have this much bother with the last ones
Are you public accounts available on your website?

Interesting Seahouses is not listed in the BPA’s latest trust port document. The Commissioners appear to be as dodgy as ever!
What a load of controlling nasty people work in the harbour house!!!

NEWS FLASH!!! You do not own the road in front of the harbour!!!!

The sooner you all realise this and stop bullying visitors the better. You are allowed to park in front of the harbour office with a blue badge!!! The only way some of us can see the harbour!!!

If you do not want people to park here go thro the proper channels and get some legal restriction and get the council involved!!!!

Bullying the most vunerable people!!!
I wish to raise a concern about the Trust's governance. There are no details about who your Commissioners are or how they are elected on your website. Are the Commissioners suitable and able? Do you train them? I would like to become a Commissioner, how do I apply?

The port also does not appear to be a member of the British Ports Association which seems to be the association for trust ports and provides safety and governance training. Why is this? Berwick are members.

I have been looking at the Department for Transport's Ports Good Governance Guidance. Does the port comply with this?
Will the leisure boat ramp be open this year (2021) for launching a small (17ft) boat?


The slipway should be open when all the restrictions are lifted, call or email closer to the time you wish to launch and we'll be glad to help.
Good job I am a habitual returnee, reading these criticisms. My great Aunt spent her honeymoon here in 1948. I am interested in the history of Grace Darling. So we booked an apartment on the harbour front. Now, we just keep coming back, it suits my husband and I perfectly. Everything we need in a holiday is available
or close by. We had to postpone last year's 2 weeks and we are hoping we can return this year, who knows?
Be kind, see you soon x
When will the cameras be working properly? I miss being able to check in properly on what's going on. Especially since I now live in Cheshire.