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Orf with their heads!
Come on lads sort the camera out!
Its been a while since i have visitied the site and am disapppointed looking at the cameras which arent working and reading the comments about the horrible staff.. found out the lad i spoke to last time has left; cum back barrie, all is forgiven
oops hammerhead has slipped again !!


Thank you for your vigilance Janice, the camera has been reset, hopefully the new system will be up and running soon in 2021 and this will be a thing of the past!
thankyou Christopher and very best wishes to you too...I'm further afield in Yorkshire but so looking forward to my next visit to Beadnell, really missed it this year. Take care everyone
May I send the full Compliments of the Season to all the good folks of Seahouses , Beadnell and the surrounding area .
Looking forward to seeing you all again in hopefully May and September 2021 for another slice of Northumbrian Magic.... Pandemic willing !
I wish you all you wish yourself ,
Christopher .

Thank you Christopher and all the very best to you and yours too.
Visited the harbour today, lovely place Shame about the harbour staff what horrible people. Parking nazi's!!! If you dont want people to park legally I might add, get some legal signage up frommthe people that own the road. The council. The part of the road in front of the harbout does not belong to them and is NOT a private road!!!
good morning

Hope everyone has kept well, can I be a pain (again!) and ask how things are progressing with camera repairs etc.

many thanks

janice gardiner
whilst I disagree with shouting at anyone that is disabled, I have watched members of the public at the harbour and they have blatant disregard for the traffic and the people that work there. They just stand in the way of the cars and workers I find myself saying to my screen get out of the way as they will be the first to shout if someone is run over, please remember it`s a working harbour and a lovely place.
We witnessed this I was with 4 disabled yound men who all suffer from anxiety, all I can say is wow!!!! You must not want tourism!!! What a distressing thing to see for my service users to witness.

We as an organisation also have a blue badge so I am aware of the rules. You are allowed to use it for up to 3 hours. There was no signage with parking rules just your normal double yellow lines. The harbour its self going in the other direction said private road but not where the camper van was parking.

There was no need for all the shouting and foul language from the harbour staff, it was alarming for all especially anyone with disabilities or children or elderly dont want to be subjected to this behaviour.

The guy who was rejected like this deserves a massive apology
I also saw the incident about parking with the motor home. From a personal point of view I had my 3 children with me and I certainly dont apreciate the man from the harbour office shouting swear words in the street, I thought he was drunk at first!!!

As soon as this man in his camper pulled up they were on him, 3 on to one man being abussive. I dont know the rights and wrongs of parking but I do know where the man parked there was only double yellow lines and no signage about parking along that stretch of the harbour at all. Also nothing about it being a private road. The only signage about it being private is going in the opposite direction actually going into the harbour itself. This needs clarification!!! Because if everyone gets harrassed in that manner who parks there with a blue badge its only a matter of time before someone in such a vunerable postion as this man was with a blue badge falls ill with the stress of 3 men bearing down on them with such oppressing tactics.

Sorry Harbour master, but your staff behaved liked bullys in a playdround!!!! Regards Jackie
What a rude lot of men working in the harbour office. Abussive bad mannered and swearing!!! I witnessed this insident and am also staying in seahouses. Also spneding lots of money with my family!!! Dont they want our money either!!!

I also saw the short man with the meriva call you a Horrible bastard, and the disabled gent who owned the camper was the only one that wasnt being abusive!!!! His wife looked really shocked and upset after the incident as I spoke to her afterwards in the town.

The man had a blue badge for a reason and his wife told me it was the only way he could see the harbour.

This man should NOT have been abused in such a way. Also what an awful incident to witness. And the man who shouted the disabled Gent you a horrible bastard for all to hear shoud be truly ashamed of himself as a mature chap he should know better with tourist amd children about!!!!
The people who hang around the Harbour office are bullies and intimidating! We parked in our campervan with a blue badge, only way I could get to see the harbour because of limited ability on the double yellow lines as I am legally allowed to do. With a blue badge for upto 3 hours however as it is a working harbour We were going to have half an hour then move on.

Three guys come out the harbour office and started shouting really loudly to embarress us infront of all the tourists eating fish and chips on the many benches and really been abussive said it was a private road.......which that actual bit of harbour road belongs to the local authority one disapeared in a transit van after abusing and threatening us for at least 10 minutes telling me dont make me get out the van and that I was going to get my camper damaged, he was stocky with a trimmed beard, 2nd man was short I am told from yorkshire told me to fk off back where i came from that i was a horrible bastard. I said i was a tourist spending money he said we dont want ya money. (His car was parked in front of mine by the way an old gray/silver meriva) thinkmhe was a handy man as he was sawing a bench up the third man in blue overalls quiet tall told me he was going to get the fork lift and remove my camper.

Thanks to Toby off the boat serenity who was the only one with any manners that told me infact I could park there but if they needed access i would need to move, which was always my intention.

Buĺlys intimidating causing my wife lots of harm and distress. Using abusive words and swear words. The man in the meriva said if we come to where you live bet we would get fkin towed.

We were staying in a local campsite paying almost £40 per night eating out spending £40 upwards per night, sad to say we went home that day, even tho we were booked in for another week, dont think my wife will ever want to return to seahouses and it was one of our favourite spots.....
Apologies for having been such a pain, Phil, did not mean any disrespect - I understand that this is a cherry-on-top service for all of us not working on harbour safety. It's just that it has been disappointing to miss out on SH so far this year for so many of us! Great work with the Hammerhead, and being able to see the low-tide boarding of the boats! I will get to see 2 wks worth of SH in November so until then no matter what happens with the cameras I will be a good girl and shut up!;-)
Lovely to see the hammerhead in all its glory this morning , the sunrise was beautiful on the harbour, reflection's on the water beautiful to see.
Thankyou for the update, pleased to hear that it`s all underway, will look forward to viewing again when it`s all done
Thank you so much Mr Hanvey for your up date, much of luck with the repairs etc


The technician has been here this week, some cameras and related equipment have to be replaced. Others cameras are now monitoring areas that were covered by the faulty cameras, it was some of these faulty cameras that were previously providing the uplink to the internet.

I would like to thank everyone for their comments in regards to the webcam facility, I am all too aware of its popularity for locals and those further afield. However, the CCTV system we have here is first and foremost for the security of the harbour and its precincts. The internet link will be back when the cameras are finally up and running to the satisfaction of the harbour authorities. I can can give no timeline to this as there are more factors involved than just cameras and wiring.
I guess the only way to get live pictures of Seahouses is to go there which luckily I am on Saturday. However for everyone else who has missed their holiday this year it would be great to get the cameras fixed soon. It has helped us through lockdown no doubt.
oh, i do hope this super service hasnt been discontinued!!
Sorry to say but the quality of the camera transmission has reached an all-time low today. Two cameras still out after 10 days, and the others now stutter and freeze after just a few seconds. Isn't the specialist able to ensure problem-free operation AND transmission for at least one running month? It's just cameras and wiring, and a bit of housing against saltwater, what more could there be? And the camera website just goes dead after a few minutes of stuttery transmission, so for an hour's worth of viewing requires 20-25 times refreshing. So much troubleshooting since the beginning of the year - that can't be the goal, surely? Truly disappointed here, especially in such an important year for remote viewing. :(
good morning,

can i be a huge pain, and ask if there are any new updates re. the cameras.

hope everyone has kept safe and healthy

many thanks

Much appreciated, Phil, your quick reply. I suspect that all of us out here moaning (can only speak for myself, really) are merely insanely jealous that you get to actually - bodily - be in the harbour and we don't! ;-) As soon as Scotland lifts quarantine, I will be able to book for November! *does little dance*
Thankyou for your reply to let us know that your in the process of having the camera`s fixed. Look forward to watching the harbour as I have been on lock down since March, Ty Mr P Hanvey.
When the cameras were first installed, it was absolutely great to be able to see the once-familiar comings and goings - and it's such a pity that over the past few months that they have become so troublesome. Even when they have been working, they often seemed to work loose - and while I think that the Offices and Short Pier have been fine, the others have ended up not always pointing so they show as much as possible of 'the interesting bits'. In particular, they often show more sky than harbour (sometimes, it seems, deliberately). I hope you get them fixed. [PS - pity about the panning camera. It was one of the best!]
Anna & Valerie

There is a fault affecting both the Main Pier and Hammerhead cameras, the technician has been called and will hopefully be able to sort it out within the next 24 hours.
Please can we have the camera`s working again. The frame ties for each camera seems as though it has been shortened as well ie; when viewing it switches to the banner`s saying coverage will resume asap thanking you. Now hammerhead has gone and main pier. All the other harbour camera`s are working down south, none of their camera`s freeze like your,s do
Now Main Pier is out, too. Is this really the cameras causing this, or is it just that the website doesn't work like it should? I seem to remember that unless a gust of wind resettled the camera, the old system wasn't nearly this vulnerable (plus the boats could be followed out). Thx for fixing! ;-)
Sorry to nag, but is there any chance to get the Hammerhead cam back online soon? These days it's the only angle that covers the departing boats. Thx much! Wish wish wish I could be there. Glad to see all those folks visiting and using the fleets!
Hallelujah - the trips are gannin agyen! To all the UK visitors able to get to Seahouses without sticking themselves into quarantine for a fortnight: Please support William at Billy Shiel's, Andrew at Serenity and George at Golden Gate to ensure that the fleets will reap at least a part of their income this year, and will be at hand to carry us out to the islands for years to come! Wouldn't hurt to pass the lads on the boats a wee tip, too. Oh, and please support the Harbour Office in their complicated task of shepherding folks through corona-ed times!
We were booked to come and stay in a house on Harbour Road at the end of June, having stayed there previously and loved it. Sadly our holiday will not be happening due to the current situation and I am feeling really disappointed, I miss Seahouses! Are the cameras likely to be up & running again soon?
The sadly quiet harbour being the only viewing experience TPTB are granting me these days, I have to say the camera action is a bit bizarre as of late. Does everyone have this problem, or is it just people outside the UK? I get a minute, sometimes 1,5 of frozen (and occasionally moving) Hammerhead, a minute each of Short Pier/Main Pier (both moving), a minute of Offices (OK), a minute of frozen Offices, and just as that unfreezes, a green "Channel will resume shortly". After that, it either goes white, or - with luck - starts out again at Hammerhead. Don't know if it's really supposed to be like that. But at this point I'll take anything I can get.
Stay safe out there, and hopefully at some point this year we can all flutter into SH again and leave some cash to jumpstart the economy a bit!
Been to Seahouses on several occasions and never get tired of the beautiful views and people a very welcoming village I don’t think I will get there this year but hopefully will be there by boat next year for a few weeks in the harbour.
Totally agree with Janice and Valerie - new views are great but the wind picked up around 6pm this evening and moved the Hammerhead camera again. Fabulous work you all do at this fascinating harbour. I'm privileged to live a few miles away.

Best wishes
Just enjoying the new view`s when that stupid wind moved the camera`s skyward again.
I agree, some really good views now, many thanks for keeping up the excellent service.. take care everyone
Hi to all, love the camera that`s showing the harbour inside, it looks really good. Been really interested in watching the tides I have never knew how they worked and how the fishermen had to work with them. Love to see the fishing boats come home and how effortless they seem to turn and tie up. I am on lock down and this has helped a lot watching my loved home ground thankyou.
We have been visiting Seahouses for years but not sure our holiday will be happening this year due to the lockdown. The cameras are much appreciated! Its sad to see such little activity on the harbour but lovely to be able to check in. Is the camera that used to scan the horizon out of action permanently? Missing views of the Farnes and Bamburgh!
Thanks and best wishes to all.


Thank you for your kind comments. The camera that scanned is still working, however, the cameras are primarily for security on the harbour and that camera was retasked to provide 24/7/365 coverage for a certain part of the harbour during this current lockdown situation.

Phil Hanvey, Deputy Harbourmaster
Sadly had to shift our weeks booking in May at Beadnell to 2021 but hopefully we will be able to get to our annual week in Seahouses during September till then
If you have faith try to have a happy ,Joyous and Uplifting Easter and if you haven't do take some Downtime out of your weekend for yourself to Chill and enjoy all that's good in your world !
My very best to all you Folks during this trying time.


Thank you, hopefully 2021 will be a better year for you, me and the rest of the world.

Phil Hanvey, Deputy Harbourmaster
Great to see the cameras working again - really missed my daily login, especially with the lockdown.

Many thanks, Sharon Murdy
brilliant, and thankyou.
The camera`s are up and transmitting again thankyou. Made my day as I`m not allowed out.
Thankyou for the info. keep checking it every day
once again, thanks for your update phil.
*** CAMERAS UPDATE - 2nd April 2020 ***

All the cameras are working properly at our end, it appears that the intrnet company that we use for them has a problem at the moment. Trying to sort it, the cameras will be back as soon as possible.

Phil Hanvey, Deputy Harbourmaster
Oh my goodness what has gone wrong with camera`s
Hammerhead camera pointing at the clouds it must be upside down


When the wind is northerly as it is this afternoon, it shakes the camera mounting and the camera moves upwards. We have a replacement that will be fitted when things get back to normal, whenever that will be.

Phil, Deputy Harbourmaster
thanks for the update phil. Stay safe everyone.

Due to the Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing works including new camera installations and replacement, which were planned for the harbour have been delayed until further notice.

At this time, I do not have access to this website to alter the homepage in regards to the closure of the harbour to the general public, but as soon as I have it will be altered to show that.
Why is there nothing on this site about the harbour being closed ???